Meal 1: Cream of Rice with iSo Whey Chocolate Protein Meal 2: Bran Protein Muffin and Coffee Meal 3: Chicken Curry, Rice and Spinach braised in a Tomato Chutney
Eating five small meals daily instead of three can keep you fit and trim. Eating this way helps prevent your blood sugar from crashing and keeps you satisfied. It is imperative to drink water with your meals this can help optimize your body's digestive functions. Digestion depends on water to break down food, absorb nutrients, and remove waste from the body.
@shazeats_mandysway learn how to eat what and when. We instill healthy eating habits for life rather than for short term goals.
Taking bookings for Jan, inbox @shazeats_mandysway to secure your place. #whatsinmylunchbox#recipedeveloper#nutrionalconsultant#learnhowtoeat#fuelyourbodywithfood#5mealsaday#protein#carb#greens#lowfat#healthyeatinghabits#eatwell#livewell#shazeats#mandysway